


An escaped sheep was found with 60 pounds of wool.

Shrek the sheep ran away and hid in a cave in New Zealand for 6 years. When Shrek was finally found in 2004, the sheep had gone unsheared for so long that it had accumulated 60 pounds of wool on its body, enough to make 20 suits! The sheep became famous and even got to meet the Prime Minister. Shrek finally passed away last month at the age of 16.

Its name was Shrek.

too many layers




Before tumblr:  Is this person a boy or a girl?

After tumblr:  Doesn’t matter.

Before tumblr: I wonder what this person’s orientation is?

After tumblr:  Doesn’t matter.

Before tumblr:  How many people has this person murdered?

After tumblr:  Doesn’t matter.

Before Tumblr: Is this character gay?

After Tumblr: Well if he wasn’t then he sure as hell is now.



it’s just so funny how you can just click with some people but not others, like you can meet a new friend who completely gets you in like 2 weeks and yet have a parent or relative who still doesn’t know your simplest likes and dislikes after 20 years. its weird